I ventured out with Carol last night to our guild's executive meeting to finalize details for the long anticipated visit of Robyn Pandolph to our guild this Thursday. It was one of the coldest, most blustery days this winter. Today it is sunny but still a frosty -30 degrees celcius! In addition to a trunk show, Robyn will be giving a workshop on "Designing your own Folk Art Applique".
I am quite excited about it but also feeling a bit uneasy about going in "blind". So I decided I must have a subject. Sophie!
For those of you who are familiar with calicoes, you'll know that they can be a bit tempermental - but they can also be "softies" and very loving. In recent months, Sophie has taken to sleeping with my 8yr old daughter. These will be fond memories for Claire, I hope.

This is Daisy (wanna play?)- Sophie's best friend!
OK - the fur does occasionally fly!
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Sophie will be my subject. I plan on putting her in amongst the flowers in our garden enjoying the warmth of the sun. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out. Will keep you posted.